MTI Educational Foundation Scholarship Criteria
The 2025 Scholarship Application process is open from Jan 1 - April 30, 2025.
2025 Criteria and Application For Your Reference to Process
Total Amount of Scholarships: $80,000
General Information and Eligibility
The MTI Educational Foundation Scholarship Program is open to students who are interested in a career in metallurgy, materials, engineering, industrial, mechanical sciences. Applicants must be currently enrolled, or recently accepted, as a full or part-time student in a nationally accredited college/technical school in the areas of materials science, metallurgy or engineering/technician certificate with focus in mechanical, electrical or industrial sciences. Annual scholarships are awarded directly to the students.
Scholarships will be awarded in June 2025 and paid in one installment directly to the student's university tuition account or their student loan institution.
Scholarship applications submissions will be accepted from January 1 to April 30, 2025. The scholarship level available is as follows:
Technical School/Associate Degree/Undergraduate Degree
Students are eligible for one of (15) scholarships:
(12) $5,000 College Scholarships
(4) $2,500 Technical School Scholarships
The scholarship is renewable for one additional year, for a maximum of two (2). Scholarship renewal is not automatic, applicants MUST submit a full and timely application in order to be considered for a second scholarship.
Evaluation Criteria
Grade Point Average – must be 3.0 or higher
Internship, Co-op, Work, Community, Volunteer and Other Extracurricular Activities
2 - Letters of Recommendation
Honors, Awards and Other Recognitions of the Student’s Work and Leadership Skills
Personal Statement Regarding Proposed Program and Study, Career Goals, & Financial Need
MTI Educational Foundation Scholarship Guidelines 2025
Reporting Requirements
The scholarship year runs from January 1 – December 31. All recipients are required to submit a mid-year progress report when requested by the Foundation Board each year. The MTI Educational Foundation will provide each scholarship recipient an online reporting form to provide their educational progress.
Extension of Time and Failure to Comply
A written request for extension of reporting deadlines, with no additional funding, must detail the reasons for the request and be received by the Foundation 30 days prior to the expiration of the scholarship term. Failure of the scholarship recipient to comply with the policies governing this scholarship may be grounds denial of any future consideration by the Foundation for any of its programs and/or job placement referrals upon graduation.
Tom Morrison
Chiet Staff Administrator
904-249-0448 ext 103 – tom@heattreat.net